This content was published: October 27, 2008. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

College Advancement Office wins 10 regional NCMPR awards

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PCC’s College Advancement team has won a record 10 awards in the 2008 NCMPR (National Council for Marketing and Public Relations) District 7 Medallion Awards PCC's College Advancement staff, from left to right, James Hill, Jennifer Boehmer and Russell Banks.competition. College Advancement staff Jennifer Boehmer, James Hill, and Russell Banks accepted the awards at the district’s conference, held Oct. 22-24 in Yakima, Wash. District 7 is made up of two-year colleges in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Yukon Territory, Canada.

Out of 25 award categories, PCC won eight gold, one silver and one bronze awards. The following are the winners (category and what won).


Viewbooks: “Believe” International Viewbook.

Class Schedules: Communities Magazine.

TV Ads: Fall Awareness Campaign Ad.

Promotional Videos: “It’s All About the Future” Foundation Video.

Print Advertisements: “Project You.”

Web Sites: Bond Information Site.

Photographs: Saara Hrisi Portrait.

Out-of-the-Box Concept: “In-Service Staff Promotional Videos.”


Media Success Story: “Art Beat” media coverage.


Banners and Outdoor Media: “Going Places” transit bus ads.

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »