This content was published: March 2, 2009. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.
‘Godspell’ slated for PCC production
Story by James Hill. Photos by Dana Haynes.

Students Rehearsing
The iconic 1970s musical hits the stage in the Performing Arts Center on the Sylvania Campus under the direction of Wendy Spurgeon.
Curtains rise at 7:30 p.m. March 5, 6, 7, 13 and 14, with a 2 p.m. matinee on Sunday, March 15.
Tickets are available at the PCC Sylvania Bookstore or a half hour before performances at the theater. Tickets are $10 general admission, $8 seniors, students and staff, and $5 for groups of 15 or more.
The student-cast includes: Michael Adams (resident of Portland), Alex Bertoglio (Newberg), Danya Chirchi (Portland), Tamsyn Cox (Portland), Brant McKinney (Hillsboro), John O’Shea (Portland), Tyler Raymond (Beaverton), Tiarra Roberts (Wilsonville), Sarah Schmidt (Redding, Calif.) and Tamara Sorelli.
This 1970 musical began as a student workshop and vaulted to a record run Off-Broadway. Well known and often reproduced, the musical draws on a wide array of styles, ranging from pop, folk rock, gospel, and vaudeville.
“When we picked the play, the (presidential) election was happening,” said Patrick Tangredi, theater arts instructor at Sylvania. “There was so much dialogue, politically, about spirituality and religion. We knew whoever was in office, it would be part of the public dialogue.”
It’s also an ensemble show – perfect for a college theater company. “It’s not a star vehicle like ‘The King and I” Tangredi said. “Everyone gets a song and everyone gets to act. It creates an interesting performance and rehearsal space.”
The original music is by composer Stephen Schwartz, and in 2000, he updated the music. The script is by John-Michael Tebelak.
For the PCC version, choreography is provided by Heidi Diaz with vocal direction by Julianne Johnson, music instructor at PCC and a Grammy-nominated singer. The set was designed by Dan Hayes, theater coordinator.
For more information about events, call (503) 977-4949.
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