This content was published: September 8, 2009. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC News Roundup: Stimulus funds reshaping PCC District

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DISTRICTWIDE – Work is in full throttle of Portland Community College’s Domestic Water Line Replacement Project at the Sylvania Campus. It is state stimulus project 494, budgeted at $1,350,000. Half the money comes from Article XI-G bonds, with the college matching the other half from the bond passed by the voters in November 2008.

“The pipe stretches over a mile as it rings around the campus,” reports Keith Gregory, manager of PCC maintenance and grounds. “The 10-inch PVC piping is being installed to replace the 40-plus year old 8-inch line. The project includes new valves and a new fire hydrant. The pipe is being installed at a depth of 4 to 6 feet, depending on the location.”

On average there are eight Oregonians employed on the site daily, Gregory added, and is scheduled for completion in October, employing 8-10 subcontractors – All MWESB firms. As a result of the state stimulus money for deferred maintenance projects – $6.4 million that PCC matched with bond dollars – the college has hired 25 Oregon contractors, created eight new contractor jobs and sustained 45, employed 52 Oregon residents, hired 14 Oregon subcontractors and 16 Minority, Women and Emerging Small Businesses.

Welding so popular classes full for 2009-10 year

ROCK CREEK CAMPUS – Announced last week, all welding classes at the Rock Creek Campus are now full for the 2009-2010 school year. New students interested in starting this program are now being advised by the welding program to check back in the summer of 2010. Plus, the classes PCC runs out of the Swan Island Training Center in North Portland have waiting lists, too.

In May 2008, Vigor Industrial and PCC joined forces to open the Swan Island Training Center to help meet demand for workers. “Skilled welders are a key labor component for manufacturing companies and, locally, there is a shortage of well-trained workers in this vital trade,” said PCC President Preston Pulliams.

Foundation increases scholarships and money awarded

SYLVANIA CAMPUS – The Portland Community College Foundation announced that it has funded 201 students for the 2009-10 year. The total money awarded is $474,315, up from $304,748 that was dispersed in 2008-09. The average award was $2,360 and during the course of the upcoming academic year, the Foundation may award an additional $140,000 – bringing the total to a projected $614,000 for the year.

The new money resulted from the Foundation raising a record $1 million for scholarships last year, matching a challenge set forth by the James F. and Marion L. Miller Foundation. The Miller Foundation challenged all 17 of Oregon’s community colleges to raise more money for student scholarships. By raising $1,032,064, the PCC Foundation got an extra $320,000 in matching contributions from Miller. A further $320,000 could be matched by Miller for PCC Foundation gifts in the 2009-10 year.