This content was published: November 10, 2010. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.
PCC officials move forward with Rock Creek development plans –
Photos and story by Gina Whitehill-Baziuk
If the sparse audience at Monday night’s public input session was any indicator, stakeholders are ready to move forward with plans to expand Portland Community College’s Rock Creek campus.
During the second of two sessions to gather public opinion on the plans, Campus President David Rule said officials have settled on Option C, a plan that includes more than 100,000 feet of additions to Building 7 and Building 5.
Read the rest of this article (November 9) discussing Portland Community College’s next steps for bond improvements at Rock Creek Campus

We are starting to proceed with the schematic design phase for the addition of building 7.
In October 2011, we will proceed with the programming of buildings 3, 5 and 9. This past spring Jason Miller and I met with the campus stakeholders in buildings 2 and 7 and the West zone team to work out the scope of work for the Bond work in those areas.
By December 2011 we should be able to finalize our budget and the scope of work for the Bond Projects.
Next summer 2012 anticipated projects include:
1) New exit road to 185th from campus;
2) Deconstruction and addition to the east side of building 7
3) Phase I of the Farm upgrades
4) Stormwater upgrades
Stay tuned for more information later this summer.