This content was published: December 8, 2010. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.
Cascade Connections: Partnership with Jefferson – Portland Observer
Photos and story by Gina Whitehill-Baziuk
From the time it was established in 1908, Jefferson High School has been an integral part of its north Portland neighborhood. As the Jefferson community has changed over the years – from the postwar era,

Historic photo of Jefferson High School
when many African Americans settled in the area, on through its present-day multi-ethnic incarnation – the school has remained at the center of the neighborhood’s identity and character.
In recent years, as attendance has declined, various reorganizations have been attempted and principals have come and gone, many in the community have worried, quite justifiably, about the venerable school’s future. Speculation has abounded as to whether the school would be shut down or, perhaps, somehow annexed or taken over by the community’s other educational anchor, Portland Community College’s Cascade Campus.
Read the rest of this editorial by President Algie Gatewood, President of Portland Community College’s Cascade Campus, in the Portland Observer (November 16).