This content was published: December 14, 2010. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC renews effort to reduce automobile commutes to campuses

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Due to increased enrollment at all PCC campuses and centers, parking has become a significant challenge for students, faculty and staff, as well as for neighbors and businesses near PCC campuses  wrestling with blocked driveways and lack of parking for customers.

PCC Shuttle at Southeast Center

To address the issue, PCC is in the process of selecting a consultant to advise the College on new strategies and expanding existing programs to persuade more students, faculty and staff to use alternative modes of transportation, e.g. bike, bus, shuttles and walking.  The consultant will examine existing conditions and address transportation issues at both a district and campus level.

As the College continues to grow as an educational institution, PCC is committed to finding ways to get people out of their cars and reduce greenhouse gases at all PCC facilities.  These efforts will help the College meet the President’s Climate Commitment.

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x 25892 [opens in new window] by Peter, 1 decade ago

How will the college community – including neighbors – be involved in this study? Involvement will be crucial to the integrity of the study.

x 25893 [opens in new window] by gina, 1 decade ago

Thanks for writing Peter. We couldn’t agree more. The transportation demand management and parking consultants the Bond Program just hired will be helping with the dialogue and engagement effort throughout the District. We will involve students, faculty, staff and the community in identifying creative and effective ways to reduce reliance on the use of single occupant vehicles on all of the campuses. We will also work to develop qualitative and quantitative ways to assess how we are doing. This won’t be easy. The challenges are great but the potential rewards are greater. Hope you will stay involved and help.

x 25894 [opens in new window] by otomotiv, 1 decade ago

thanks gina, very nice news…

x 25895 [opens in new window] by midway limo, 1 decade ago

Making new room for parking or changing transport pattern, the issue to reduce greenhouse gases should be given the highest priority.

x 25896 [opens in new window] by Barbara Linn, 1 decade ago

What is the latest with finding solutions to the PCC parking problem?

Will there be an investment in bike trails and safe pedestrian routes to the campuses as part of the study?

Can we can have a get of your car challenge like the city of Portland does in September?

Maybe if the staff took a pledge to get out of the Single Occupancy Vehicle (SOV) once a week they
set an example for the College?

Do you know how many people bike, bus, carpool or walk to PCC each week?

x 25897 [opens in new window] by Patrick H. Hague, 1 decade ago

Sounds like another of a social enginering ploy to me, I’ve heard it all before. Just a note, I’m seventy years old and I retired from a traffic management position so I know of what I speak.