This content was published: January 31, 2011. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC launches legislative website

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Portland Community College has launched a website dedicated to the 2011 Legislature.

Students, staff, faculty and advocates of PCC can follow the happenings in Salem at

Lawmakers were sworn in on Jan. 10 but the actual legislative session begins Tuesday, Feb. 1. The session is expected to end in June.

“Obviously, the budget is the No. 1 issue in Salem,” said Preston Pulliams, president of PCC. “The lawmakers face a $3.5 billion deficit for the 2011-13 biennium. Solving that crisis will take up much of this year’s session.

At the new website, readers can find links to the Legislature, the governor’s office and committee agendas. Dana Haynes, college public affairs manager, also will be blogging from Salem during the duration of the session.

Readers also can identify their lawmakers by clicking on “Oregon Legislature,” then the “Find Your Legislator” button in the right-hand column.

Members of the Senate whose districts touch the PCC district include Sens. Suzanne Bonamici, Ginny Burdick, Richard Devlin, Jackie Dingfelder, Larry George, Mark Hass, Betsy Johnson, Rod Monroe, Diane Rosenbaum, Chip Shields and Bruce Starr.

Members of the House whose districts touch PCC include Reps. Jules Bailey, Jeff Barker, Deborah Boone, Katie Brewer, Ben Cannon, Michael Dembrow, Margaret Doherty, Lew Frederick, Chris Garrett, Mitch Greenlick, Chris Harker, Tina Kotek, Shawn Lindsay, Mary Nolan, Julie Parrish, Tobias Read, Mike Schaufler, Jefferson Smith, Carolyn Tomei, Matt Wingard and Brat Witt.

About Dana Haynes

Dana Haynes, joined PCC in 2007 as the manager of the Office of Public Affairs, directing the college's media and government relations. Haynes spent the previous 20 years as a reporter, columnist and editor for Oregon newspapers, including ... more »