This content was published: February 18, 2011. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Panel discussion features Egypt, Middle East upheavals

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Current events in Egypt and the Middle East have sparked the Associated Students of PCC at Sylvania to host a timely panel discussion with several community partners. The session will take place from noon to 1:30 p.m., Monday, Feb. 21, in the Oak/Elm/Fir rooms, College Center Building, Sylvania Campus. All students, staff and faculty throughout the college are welcome to attend.

Egyptian students studying at Portland State University have been invited as panelists. Michael Sonnleitner, who steers Portland Community College’s Peace and Conflict Studies program and teaches at both the Rock Creek and Cascade Campuses, will serve as the moderator. And Kanaan Kanaan, PSU’s Middle East Student Advisor, will help to facilitate the discussion.

Likely discussion topics will include:

  • Next steps for Egypt – and Tunisia – as both countries pave the way for new government infrastructure.
  • The effect of Egypt’s regime protests to neighboring Middle Eastern countries – Yemen, Bahrain, and more.
  • The impact of what’s happening in the Middle East to the Middle Eastern community in Portland, at PCC, and at PSU.

In the event of questions, contact Kate Chester, Community Relations manager at PCC Sylvania, at (971) 722-8233.