This content was published: March 24, 2011. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Early Designs for SE Center get nods from Campus Community

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The PCC Bond Team are close to completing the schematic design phase of development for Southeast Center.  This phase establishes a concrete direction and aesthetic for developing the new campus.  The three architectural renderings below show different perspectives of the schematic design and reflect the collaboration and common vision of campus stakeholders and the bond team.

PCC Southeast Campus – Schematic Design, View 1

Campus View 1 provides an aerial perspective looking northwest at the future campus.  In the schematic design, 82nd Avenue would move to the right and Division Street to the left.  Tabor Hall and Scott Hall, which currently make up Southeast Center, can be seen to the top right of the image.  Proposed new buildings would face 82nd Avenue and Division Street, creating a campus center or quad.  Portions of the German American building, at the top left, would be renovated and incorporated into the campus program.

PCC Southeast Campus – Schematic Design, View-2

Campus View 2 provides a street level view from across 82nd Avenue.  To the right is Mt. Scott Hall.  To the left is the new proposed student commons building, which will house Student Services, Public Safety, the bookstore, Career Pathways, career technical education, science and general classrooms.  The Bank of the West is on the far left.

PCC Southeast Campus – Schematic Design, View 3

Looking across from Division Street, Campus View 3 shows the proposed new Learning Commons building, which would house the campus library, Computer Resource Center, tutoring, Adult Basic Skills and Media Services.

About Christine Egan

Christine Egan is a returned Peace Corps Volunteer and has a graduate degree in land use and environmental planning. Prior to her Peace Corps service in the Dominican Republic, she lived in Washington DC serving as a legislative advisor to ... more »