This content was published: November 29, 2011. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.
All in the name of a turkey
Photos and story by Kate Chester
More than 85 participants braved torrential rainstorms and wind to take part in the 41stannual Sylvania Campus “Turkey Trot” on Nov. 22.

Despite not winning a free turkey this year, Linda Gerber, president of Sylvania Campus, and Preston Pulliams, PCC's district president, are all smiles at Sylvania's 41st annual "Turkey Trot."
Two routes were featured: One for runners at 1.9 miles, and one for walkers at 1.36 miles. Free turkeys – just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday – were awarded to those with the best times, in both women’s and men’s categories. All registrants were entered into a raffle drawing that took place after the race.
Linda Gerber, Sylvania Campus president, and Preston Pulliams, the college district president, put on their running shoes and joined in the fun.
“Having Linda and Preston participate was an awesome addition to this year’s ‘Turkey Trot,’” said Heidi Van Brocklin, interim Athletic Supervisor at the Sylvania Campus. “They are wonderful role models for the college – and their presence may explain how we attracted 85 participants, which was amazing considering the weather.”