This content was published: November 28, 2011. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.
Facilities Management to run drainage tests in HT Building
Photos and story by Kate Chester
The college’s Facilities Management Services department will conduct tests on Friday, Dec. 2 in the Sylvania Campus Health Technologies Building. The tests – to help identify sewer and drain leaks – will begin at 10 a.m. and are anticipated to run throughout the day.
“Leaks and odors in the HT building have been a long-standing problem,” said Linda Gerber, president of the Sylvania Campus. “In light of our recent evaluation of the Child Development Center and discovery of faulty air ventilation, we think this is both the right time and the best method of finding a permanent solution for the HT building.”
A non-toxic smoke substance will be introduced into the building’s plumbing vents which quickly will emit grayish-white smoke inside the building; this will indicate the location of leaks. The smoke will dissipate within minutes.
Faculty, staff and students will be asked to participate in the test by reporting smoke seen – either by contacting the Service Request Center or by stepping into the hallways to inform one of the floor monitors on stand-by.
In the event of questions, please contact Steve Borcherding at (971) 722-8150 or at [opens in new window]. Additionally, a copy of the Material Safety Data Sheet on the smoke substance will be available in HT 318.