This content was published: November 29, 2011. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.
Last week to pledge money for PCC’s Charitable Giving Campaign
Photos and story by James Hill
There is one week left of the 2012 Charitable Giving Campaign. PCC has identified seven agencies that provide critical services in the college district so that staff and faculty can support those in need.
The agencies selected include:
- American Red Cross (
- Black United Fund of Oregon (
- EarthShare Oregon (
- LifeWorks NW (
- Oregon HEAT (
- PCC Foundation (
- United Way of the Columbia-Willamette (
Deductions pledged last year will stop after the December payroll – except for the PCC Foundation. Payroll deductions to the PCC Foundation will continue at the current level unless you fill out a new form changing your deduction amount. New pledges will begin with the January 2012 payroll. Pledges to the PCC Foundation through the Charitable Giving Campaign will be included in the Foundation Annual Staff & Faculty Giving Campaign.
Questions about the Charitable Campaign can be directed to Nancy Cloud in Human Resources at (971) 722-5850 or [opens in new window]