This content was published: January 3, 2012. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.
‘Think tank’ assembled for new Child Development Center at Sylvania
Photos and story by Gina Whitehill-Baziuk
Merryman Barnes Architects and GBD Architects – consultants to the PCC’s bond program – joined members of the PCC bond team to lead a half-day visioning session on December 15, focused on the new Child Development Center to be built on the Sylvania Campus.
Nancy Merryman from Merryman Barnes Architects – a consultant to the PCC bond team Architects – helps guide the Child Development Center discussion at Sylvania Campus on December 15, 2011
The session saw a high turnout, with nearly 25 attending who represented faculty, staff, students and parents. Equally important was that it created an opportunity for idea-sharing and brainstorming among attendees, which led to a rich discussion about everything from programmatic needs to attributes of possible site locations for Sylvania’s new Child Development Center. The visioning session also offered the chance to discuss possible district-wide child care services for the college.

Nearly 25 attended the visioning session for Sylvania’s Child Development Center and Early Education and Family Studies program.
“The 2008 voter-approved bond program calls for new and improved child care facilities and services on all of the college’s campuses,” said Linda Degman, associate director of the PCC Bond Program. “The information we gained from this initial stakeholder discussion – the first of many – will help us as we look to standardize resources, from a facility standpoint, throughout the district.”
Gary Sutton, Sylvania Campus bond project manager, echoed Degman’s comments. “Sylvania is ahead of the curve, in that its child care center will be built before those on the other PCC campuses,” said Sutton. “By hosting this initial meeting, Sylvania is taking the lead for the college to help create a more uniform model.”

Faculty, staff, students and parents from Sylvania’s Child Development Center and Early Education and Family Studies program engaged in a lively discussion at the event.
The current Child Care Center and Early Education and Family Studies program operate out of Sylvania’s Health Technology building, using available space and rooms scattered in various parts of the building. The new facility will consolidate these services in one, central location, making it more convenient for faculty and staff, as well as parents of children who use the center. The new facility is anticipated to be approximately 9,000 sq. ft., with construction slated to begin in August 2012 and continue until the following summer.
“Faculty and staff from the Early Education and Family Studies program and the current Child Development Center are eagerly awaiting their new home,” said Jen Piper, interim division dean for Health Professions, Early Education and Family Studies, and Physical Education at Sylvania.
“Because they’re excited and enthusiastic about the move, they appreciate the opportunity to share their voice and ideas in these kinds of planning discussions,” she said.