This content was published: January 10, 2012. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.
PCC bond team constructs on the weekends, too! – PCC 50th Anniversary Website
Photos and story by Gina Whitehill-Baziuk

Kathy Kiaunis, PCC Bond Finance Manager, uses a miter saw to cut siding while Gary Sutton, Bond Project Manager for Sylvania Campus, looks on during PCC Bond Team volunteer event with Habitat for Humanity
They’re already responsible for the most massive planning and construction project ever undertaken by the college as they invest the proceeds of the 2008 bond measure. So what better way to contribute to our 50,000-hour service challenge than to turn out on Saturday, November 19 for a Habitat for Humanity project building low-income homes in North Portland?
Fifteen PCC employees answered the call, and you can check out the full story, with photos, on the bond program’s website. While you’re there, look around. It’s a deep, information-rich resource on all aspects of PCC’s $374 million campus improvement project, including coverage of the extensive community involvement efforts in the planning stages.

thanks for great infomation
I am assuming that you are referring to Saturday November 19, 2011, right?
Is there another effort of this type coming up soon? I would love to participate.
Yes, the story is referring to the PCC Bond Program’s volunteer work on November 19, 2011. In the spirit of PCC’s 50th anniversary, the PCC family has set a goal of giving 50,000 volunteer hours back to the communities that have supported the college so faithfully for 50 years. To learn more about this volunteer effort and opportunities, visit PCC’s 50th Anniversary Website at: Thanks for your interest.