This content was published: June 12, 2012. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Intel, Oregon Community Foundation awarded PCC Patron Awards

Photos and story by

Jill Eiland (Intel’s Corporate Affairs Manager for the Northwest Region).

Jill Eiland (Intel’s Corporate Affairs Manager for the Northwest Region).

The Oregon Community Foundation and Intel Corp. are the 2012 recipients of the Portland Community College Patron Awards.

The awards were presented to representatives from the organizations at the PCC Foundation’s 50th Anniversary Gala, which raised nearly $300,000 for student success initiatives, including funds raised for the PCC Future Connect Scholarship Program. Future Connect is a partnership between the Foundation and the City of Portland, which matches any funds raised, and serves first-generation, low-income students from Multnomah County high schools. Nearly 500 guests attended the May 19 gala, which was sponsored by Bank of America and featured Junki and Linda Yoshida as honorary chairs.

“These funds will play a critical role in opening the door to college for hundreds of students who otherwise would not have the opportunity,” said PCC District President Preston Pulliams. “There is simply no better way to celebrate the 50-year legacy of Portland Community College than that.”

The Patron Award is an annual college honor that goes to a person or organization that has made a significant contribution to PCC to help ensure access to education for students. On behalf of their organizations, Jill Eiland (Intel’s Corporate Affairs Manager for the Northwest Region) and Eric Parsons (OCF Board Chair and Chair of The Standard Board of Directors) accepted the Patron Awards.

Intel has contributed more than $2.5 million to PCC’s Microelectronics Technology Program to train the next generation of workers in Oregon’s semiconductor industry. In 2011, Intel hired nearly 100 percent of graduates from the microelectronics program and 17 more from the Electronic Engineering and Civil Engineering technology programs.

Eric Parsons (OCF Board Chair and Chair of The Standard Board of Directors).

Eric Parsons (OCF Board Chair and Chair of The Standard Board of Directors).

“Intel invests in the community so that our workforce is strengthened, our citizens achieve family-wage jobs and everyone prospers,” Pulliams said.

The Oregon Community Foundation has contributed close to $900,000 to the PCC Foundation over the years, which has helped to create scholarships and training opportunities for more than 300 students. OCF named charitable funds have provided scholarships to students in Nursing, Machine Manufacturing Technology, Vocational Training, Veterinary Technology, and Alcohol and Eating Disorder Counseling programs.

“The Oregon Community Foundation, through its long-time investments in all stages of the education continuum, exemplifies the PCC vision,” Pulliams added.

The PCC Foundation is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that mobilizes private support for student scholarships and educational programs.

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »

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[…] Intel, Oregon Community Foundation awarded PCC Patron Awards … […]