This content was published: August 20, 2012. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Three PCC students step up for leadership on the Oregon Campus Compact Advisory Board

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Oregon Campus Compact (ORCC) recently announced its 2012-2013 Student Advisory Board.  Through competitive nominations, 21 students representing 14 campuses have been selected and the ORCC is proud to welcome Sean Colebrook, Aaron McKee and Turi Trotter from PCC on this year’s board.

The three PCC students were chosen for their outstanding leadership and commitment to service on campus. They will serve the board by informing and sharing the statewide narrative of service and coordinating projects across Oregon to inspire and support increased civic engagement on campuses.

“This year’s board has an extremely high level of passion, enthusiasm and creativity. It’s clear that these students are motivated by a desire to further collaboration in civic engagement and are determined to increase statewide student leadership. I’m inspired by our incredible potential and know we will accomplish amazing things!” says Tina Shantz, ORCC Student Advisory Board Coordinator.

ORCC is motivated by the belief that students have the power to change the world and, accordingly, drives higher education to organize student participation in civic life. As the only statewide organization working with private, public, four-year and two-year institutions, the ORCC embraces a unique position to strengthen Oregon’s discussion of student service and leadership.

“At the beginning of the 2011-2012 year, I started the Volunteer Service Club at Rock Creek and was able to build a relationship with the Office of Service-Learning at Sylvania,” said Colebrook. “After working with them throughout the year, I was nominated by them to be part of the Student Advisory Board. Before receiving my nomination letter, I was unaware of the Student Advisory Board’s activity in the community, but it is very exciting being a part of this organization!”

Aaron McKee agrees. “I think volunteering has always been an important thing to do. There are always people and organizations that need help. And this is important to me because I remember when I was new to PCC it took me awhile to learn my way around. I feel that college has so much to offer besides classes and degrees but new students sometimes are a little shy and don’t get everything that is offered through the PCC experience. I would really like to help non-traditional students have a successful, fun, learning college experience as well.”

This civic learning movement has caught the attention of The White House, who has encouraged higher education to continue inspiring community development by their students.

“Volunteerism is more important than ever in today’s society because times are hard,” said Colebrook.  “The world economy is in a recession and it seems there is not enough money for anything these days; however, if everyone who was able to give, gave back to their communities, maybe money wouldn’t be such a problem in so many aspects of our lives. I don’t know much about the science of economics, but I do know that volunteering not only affects the community in a positive way, but it affects the person volunteering in a positive way as well, and I think our society could use a little more of that.”

About Jim Beriault

A public relations and marketing professional with 23 years of experience in the Portland area. Beriault has spent most of his career working with clients and businesses in the healthcare, hospitality, education and entertainment industrie... more »