This content was published: September 12, 2012. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Committee seeks volunteers for Black History Month

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A special committee is looking for volunteers to help expand PCC Black History Month activities and displays to encompass multiple campuses and locations and present additional art, music, writing and presentations this coming February 2013.

Over the past four years, dozens of volunteers have helped create a wonderful assortment of celebrations during the month. This year the committee needs to expand in order to create the first celebration that includes multiple locations at PCC campuses.

Dene’ Bowles, this year’s chair of Black History Month at PCC, is looking forward to another successful year. “Over the past four years, Black History Month activities and presentations have become an important part of our college culture,” Dene’ noted. “Now, with our celebration and education outreach being at multiple campus locations, the ability to educate, serve, and offer more history and experiences for students, staff and our community is truly exciting.  This is one of my great passions, helping organize Black History Month activities with all the volunteers, especially with my friends at Metropolitan Workforce Training Center.”

Volunteers are needed from staff, faculty and students in order to organize and present all the activities that are traditionally slated, plus brainstorm and create new activities and exhibits.  Those with a strong interest in African-American history, art, culture, music, and cuisine are most welcomed to join, as are those with general interests.  A strong commitment to be part of the presentation committee is all that is required.

“I always encourage students to be active in the wonderful selection of cultural, artistic and educational opportunities at PCC.  The rewards that are found through friendship and volunteerism are wonderful,” said District President Preston Pulliams.

Frank Harris, Associate Facilities Manager for PCC and the co-chair of Black History Month agrees. “This is an opportunity for a student to help make a difference, have something of importance on their resume, and stand out as a volunteer and community leader.  If you are willing to make a commitment to our committee, we are excited to have you on board.”

The first meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 11th from 9 to 11 a.m. at the CLIMB Center ( and will take place in the conference room # 303 (subject to change).

Please email Dene’ Bowles: [opens in new window] to indicate your interest, or to ask questions.

The gallery below showcases many of the previous years activities and exhibits presented during Black History Month at PCC.

About Jim Beriault

A public relations and marketing professional with 23 years of experience in the Portland area. Beriault has spent most of his career working with clients and businesses in the healthcare, hospitality, education and entertainment industrie... more »