This content was published: December 12, 2012. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

As bond construction begins, Cascade, Southeast transportation options available

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It’s official – construction has begun at the Cascade Campus. Campus and college leaders as well as key community partners attended the groundbreaking for this bond work on Tuesday, Dec. 11 at the site of where the new underground parking structure will be built.

Officially, work crews will start in earnest on Friday, Dec. 14. The construction will result in two new buildings (student center and academic building with a childcare center) and a new underground parking facility. However, with this new phase will be some parking issues that students, staff and faculty must be aware of. About 145 parking spaces will be unavailable for use because of this activity.

Left to right, Cascade President Algie Gatewood, Cascade Student Leader Esther Forbyn, PCC Board Member Kali Thorne Ladd and College President Preston Pulliams. Campus and college leaders as well as key community partners attended the campus' bond groundbreaking on Tuesday, Dec. 11 at the site of where the new underground parking structure will be built.

Left to right, Cascade President Algie Gatewood, Cascade Student Leader Esther Forbyn, PCC Board Member Kali Thorne Ladd and College President Preston Pulliams. Campus and college leaders as well as key community partners attended the campus’ bond groundbreaking on Tuesday, Dec. 11 at the site of where the new underground parking structure will be built.

The parking structure won’t be online until late 2013 and in the mean time PCC has set up five satellite parking lots and the PCC Shuttle to help with this issue.

Cascade Campus Transportation Options:

Satellite Parking Lots – Locations include North Michigan/Sumner (Emmanuel Temple Church); North Williams/Killingsworth (Salvation Army); 1001 N. Killingsworth St. (Telephone Exchange East); 1041 N. Killingsworth St. (Telephone Exchange West); and Portland Metro Workforce Training Center.

PCC Shuttle Service – The free shuttles connect all PCC campuses and centers, and can be a good way to get to class or work.

Tri-Met – Bus lines #4 and #72 serve the Cascade Campus and its surrounding area.

Light rail – The Yellow Line MAX train operates near the campus with the Killingsworth Station a mere six blocks from Cascade.

Bike Rentals – For $15 per term, students can rent refurbished bicycles at the campus’ student government office. Check out the Cascade Bike Rental Program.

Rideshare Permits – Ride Share is a new program offered by PCC to encourage students who would normally drive separately to ride to campus together.

Car2Go – Students, faculty, and staff who do not commute via single occupant vehicle can use Car2go to run errands, to get someplace in case of emergency, or to go to a meeting.

Southeast Center parking changes

In addition, the Southeast Center will be under going construction and will lose some parking spaces. The only entrance to campus will be from 82nd Avenue (no entrance to campus from Division Street.). Additional parking is available at the Slavic Church (enter from 82nd Avenue). For more details on any parking changes, visit PCC’s Parking and Transportation Page.

During the formation of PCC’s Climate Action Plan back in 2007, the Transportation Subcommittee was formed to address those issues relating to emissions caused from commuting and transportation. The Parking & Transportation Department at PCC has been involved in Transportation Demand Management planning and implementation beginning in 1992. TDM encompasses the goals and strategies implemented by a department or organization to change travel behavior. The first TDM plan, developed in 1992, created a solid foundation that the department has continued to build on over the last 19 years.

Approved by voters in 2008, the PCC Bond Program is overseeing extensive construction and renovation projects all over the district to provide educational opportunities for the college’s rapid enrollment growth. To learn more about what’s happening with the bond projects, visit the PCC Bond Program website.

Cascade Campus Groundbreaking Gallery
  • Guests mingle.
  • Algie Gatewood and Kali Thorne Ladd.
  • Speakers share a laugh.
  • PCC President Preston Pulliams.
  • Kali Thorne Ladd.
  • The groundbreaking audience.
  • Representative from the construction industry speaks.
  • Left to right, Cascade President Algie Gatewood, Cascade Student Leader Esther Forbyn, PCC Board Member Kali Thorne Ladd and College President Preston Pulliams.
  • Left to right, Cascade President Algie Gatewood, Cascade Student Leader Esther Forbyn, PCC Board Member Kali Thorne Ladd and College President Preston Pulliams.
  • Left to right, Cascade President Algie Gatewood, Cascade Student Leader Esther Forbyn, PCC Board Member Kali Thorne Ladd and College President Preston Pulliams. Campus and college leaders as well as key community partners attended the campus' bond groundbreaking on Tuesday, Dec. 11 at the site of where the new underground parking structure will be built.
  • Cascade President Algie Gatewood.

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »

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x by Doug Taylor 1 decade ago

Esther, you look fabulous, hahaha!

x by daniel watkins 1 decade ago

Having a few Level 2 J1772/universal electric car charging ports might be good to have or just regular inexpensive 120V outlets throughout for a nice slow charge while in class.