This content was published: February 19, 2013. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

New venue, same ol’ fun at Asian New Year Celebration

Photos and story by

The Southeast Center’s annual Asian New Year Celebration was moved down Division Street to Warner Pacific College this year (Monday, Feb. 18) thanks to bond construction at the PCC location. But the fun and excitement was still there as hundreds of attendees witnessed dances, singing, drumming and interesting speakers as well as visit arts and crafts booths and consume tasty food.

  • Face painting for children was a real hit.
  • Chinese calligraphy is a standard table at PCC's Asian New Year Celebration.
  • Arm painting.
  • The results of face painting on a happy subject.
  • The ornate chapel tower at Warner Pacific College’s McGuire Auditorium, the site of the 2013 PCC Asian New Year Celebration.
  • President Preston Pulliams.
  • Keynote speaker Liani Reeves, general counsel for Oregon's governor.
  • Lion dance.
  • Lion dancers head into the audience.
  • Lion dancers on stools.
  • Lion dance.
  • Lion dance.
  • The big finale of the lion dance.

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »

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x by Simon Tam 1 decade ago

Unfortunately, I didn’t hear about this event until after it was over (via PCC Facebook). Who should we contact to get more information about next year’s event?

x by James Hill 1 decade ago

Yes, email Trina Hing!

x by Gabriel Nagmay 1 decade ago

There is an event page:

Also, make sure to keep an eye on the homepage. Major events like this are usually featured for a few weeks before they start.

x by James Hill 1 decade ago

Yes, what Gabe said too!

x by Jessica Fuller 1 decade ago

I would have loved to taken my daughter to this. Thanks for letting us know about the event page. I will check it often now. It looks like a great time for everyone.