This content was published: July 28, 2014. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC’s SBDC wins Small Business Week awards

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Portland Community College’s Small Business Development Center is the recipient of the Small Business Development Center Excellence and Innovation Award for Oregon and Region 10 (Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Alaska). The Portland District Office of the Small Business Administration presented PCC with the honors at its recent Small Business Week Awards luncheon. The awards are given to a Small Business Development Center that shows excellence in providing value to small businesses by advancing program delivery and management through innovation. In total, nine small businesses, three champions of small business and 13 lending institutions were honored by the local SBA.

PCC’s SBDC staff, left to right, front row: Tammy Marquez-Oldham (director), LaQuita Martin (client services coordinator) and Sean Harry (business advisor); back row: Yevette Johnson (program specialist), Kristen Mozian (client services manager and, Bob Hanks (executive director of CLIMB).

PCC’s SBDC staff, left to right, front row: Tammy Marquez-Oldham (director), LaQuita Martin (client services coordinator) and Sean Harry (business advisor); back row: Yevette Johnson (program specialist), Kristen Mozian (client services manager and, Bob Hanks (executive director of CLIMB).

“This award represents years of dedicated service by the team at the PCC Small Business Development Center,” said Tammy Marquez-Oldham, the center’s director. “Their commitment to small business owners has helped to shape thriving business through guidance and long-term advising. This has created jobs, increased sales, and helped access capital for hundreds of clients during the year.”

The Small Business Development Center, part of the CLIMB Center at PCC, is one of 19 in the state of Oregon, offering growth and development opportunities for small business owners throughout the PCC district. In 2013, the college’s SBDC surpassed all of its development goals, with the counseling of 72 exporting businesses, serving 183 long-term clients, cultivating a 96 percent client satisfaction rate and fostering capital infusion (loans the SBDC helped to secure for businesses) of more than $4.2 million.

“This award recognizes the CLIMB Center’s SBDC for its excellent work in the community, growing jobs, and adding economic value to the community,” said Bob Hanks, executive director of the CLIMB Center. “It confirms the hard work and dedication of the center, led by Tammy Marquez-Oldham and her excellent staff and team of business advisors.”

PCC’s CLIMB Center delivers professional training and business development services. It offers a wide range of programs and options, including small business development, professional development, health professional training, leadership training and retirement planning.

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »

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x by Connie Plowman 1 decade ago

Congratulations – way to go! Well deserved!