This content was published: October 17, 2014. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC alum Victor Mena meets with Obama on immigration reform

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Victor Mena shakes President Barack Obama's hand during an immigration lobbying trip.

Victor Mena shakes President Barack Obama’s hand during an immigration lobbying trip.

Portland Community College alum Victor Mena got a big handshake recently.

Mena, a former Rock Creek Campus ASPCC leader and equity ambassador for the campus’ Multicultural Center, met with President Barack Obama last week about immigration reform. Mena was one of two representatives from a Washington, D.C.-based Hispanic lobby group to be invited to the White House to talk to the President and his staff about immigration.

According to Mena’s former leadership coordinator, Mandy Ellertson, he was selected because of the advocacy work he did in Oregon (as a PCC and PSU student) for Tuition Equity and the Dream Act. Following his meeting with President Obama, Mena was invited to ride in the president’s limo from the White House to the convention center where he told Mena that Oregon was his fifth favorite state. Congrats to Victor!

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »

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x 16088 [opens in new window] by Jennifer McBratney, 1 decade ago

This is really cool! Way to go Mena.

x 16101 [opens in new window] by Narce Rodriguez, 1 decade ago

Victor, I so proud of you. Muy orgullosa de ti.

x 16898 [opens in new window] by Marlene Eid, 1 decade ago

Way to go Victor! Congratulation ! I am so proud of you, and of all the work you have done.

x 17388 [opens in new window] by Jaime Rodriguez, 1 decade ago

Great work Victor, keep up your advocacy for immigration reform.