This content was published: January 21, 2015. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Tim Wise talks at Cascade focus on race

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The Cascade Campus will welcome critically-acclaimed author and activist Tim Wise to campus for two talks on Thursday, Jan. 29. Wise will discuss the topic, “Ferguson and Beyond: Racism, White Denial and Criminal Justice,” from 1-2 p.m. and 6-7 p.m., in the Moriarty Auditorium. These events are free and open to the public. American Sign Language interpretation available on request. For more information, call (971) 722-5781.

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »

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x by Mimi 9 years ago

The Tim Wise talk is actually Thursday, January 29, 2015. It’s happening this week!

x by Joy M Ruplinger 9 years ago

Thank you for bringing this important discussion to Portland.

x by Melisa Crosby 9 years ago

Will a video recording if this event be available?

x by Mary Jane Cloud 9 years ago

Very impressive from the first words to the last, every incident that was mentioned makes me wonder just how colored blind, or should I say how black and white blinded that humans really are? The only time I ever heard my mother mention the color of a persons skin was when one of her children were ill. She would say you look pale or your cheeks are flushed rosy red, or you look gray or green around the gills, my favorite was in the summer time she would say you are getting such a nice tan, I took that as a complement, that dark skin was what most people strived to get. I mean why would any one lay in the sun for hours subjecting themselves to the ultra violet rays, cancer, sunburns if the did not want to have dark skin? Mr. Wise proves his point that people will do anything to blame others for their inferior traits and actions. The white people convinced black that there was another world out across the ocean and that if they came with them that they could have a great life, white folks lied and the blacks have paid for believing in the white mans words ever since, if they tried to fight they were beaten. Black people are a loving, gentle race that bad people took advantage of and those people have passed their bad attitudes down through hundred of years. It is a pleasure to know that someone is so dedicated to showing the real monsters of the past as well as the present. People of all colors join forces around the world to become a world of color for all people.

x by Grace Gulley 9 years ago

Yes, I’m also very interested in watching this. Is there a link to see the recording?

Thank you.

x by Michael Alexander 9 years ago

I enjoyed his presentation. Very aware activist and writer.

x by Michael Alexander 9 years ago

I enjoyed his presentation. Very aware activist and writer.