This content was published: April 6, 2015. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Rudy Martinez uses PCC to ‘trade up’ in careers

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Student Rudy Martinez came to PCC to retrain as a general journeyman electrician after years of working as a driver of a front end loader. Martinez started at the Margaret Carter Skill Center at the Cascade Campus to find his calling and today is about to earn his two-year degree in the college’s Facilities Maintenance Technician Program at Swan Island Trades Center. Martinez, who maintains a 4.0 grade-point average, has been in the program since 2011 and is a couple of classes away from finishing his degree. He recently applied to an Oregon Registered Apprenticeship Program to become a general journeyman electrician and to receive his Oregon license. He scored eighth out of 129 candidates and was issued his Oregon apprentice card last January and has already been hired by electrical contractor Area 1 to do his apprenticeship program.

His friend and fellow student, Fodé Sannoh, is on his way to a new career as a journeyman electrician as well. In fact, Sannoh is on the cover of PCC’s spring Communities Magazine.

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »

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x by Tanya Mead 9 years ago

Great story! Way to go Rudy. A wonderful testament to the FMT program and Margaret Carter Skills Center!

x by Melanie Montoya 9 years ago

Good to see you highlighted, Rudy! You’re one of ROOTS’ rock star students. Keep up the good work.

x by Claire Oliveros 9 years ago

On behalf of the entire TRIO SSS Cascade ROOTS Program, congratulations on all of your achievements! We have enjoyed working with you in our program. Congratulations Rudy!

x by Mark Erickson 9 years ago

Congratulations on the great career move! If you have any questions or need any help feel free to call me. – Mark Erickson, Supervising Electrician, PCC.

x by Beth Kaufka 9 years ago

Yay, Rudy! This is informative and inspiring! Thanks for sharing your story with everyone. Best of luck with everything!

x by Sandy Miller 9 years ago

Way to go Rudy!!! It is such a joy to see students hit the mark!!! Your story & success is such a inspiration for others. Seems you could have a FMT as well as an Electrician Apprenticeship Degree on the horizon. Congratulations – job well done!!

x by Karen Kane 9 years ago

I met Rudy when I was helping PCC promote the opening of the Swan Island Center. He enthusiastically helped me to understand the center, his involvement, his schooling and his career goals. I can see why Area 1 scooped him up! Good on ya Rudy! Thanks for shining a light on PCC and thanks for letting us be a part of your success.

x by Patrice Morales 9 years ago

I loved hearing Rudy explain how the FMT program and PCC has inspired and prepared him for a wonderful career. Rudy, you are an inspiration and reminder that “better late than never” is the way some of us roll and it’s okay!

x by Tammy Louie 9 years ago

Rudy is a true role model to his peers. He is a joy to be around and exhibits a strong work ethic. Congrats to Rudy!

x by Warren Fluker 9 years ago

Congratulations Mr. Martinez. I’m very proud and have enjoyed knowing you on your journey to success and accomplishments ahead.

x by Aimee Brent 9 years ago

Great to see that Rudy is still at it, and has almost completed his program! I met Rudy in Math 62 a few years ago. Even though math was a challenge for Rudy, he never gave up. I remember him meeting up with myself, and other students in the cafeteria before class to go over homework and study for tests. Very cool to see this piece, and that all of his hard work has paid off. Congrats Rudy!!

x by Eric Bloch 9 years ago


I am so proud of all the positive change you have brought into your life and all that you’ve accomplished.

You are a great example of what a person can do if you make a commitment to a better life, and are willing to work hard and never give up!

All the best to you.

Eric Bloch