This content was published: July 17, 2015. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Student awarded Newberg Rotary youth leadership scholarship

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A PCC student has been honored with a scholarship by the Newberg Rotary.

Portland Community College Newberg Center student and Newberg High School graduate Bethany Quist was selected by the Newberg Rotary to attend this summer’s Youth Leadership Award seminar. She was nominated by Newberg Center Director Lynn Montoya-Quinn and academic adviser Andrew Black.

Quist, who works at the Newberg Center as a student services assistant, is working on a non-profit certification at PCC.

Quist, who works at the Newberg Center as a student services assistant, is working on a non-profit certification at PCC.

The week-long event, which took place July 11-17 at the Menucha Retreat and Conference Center in Corbett, provides young people the opportunity to expand their perceptions and ideals about leadership, enhance their communications skills and explore conflict resolution.

Quist, who works at the Newberg Center as a student services assistant, is working on a non-profit certification at PCC. Her goal is to transfer to Linfield College where she would study Spanish and human performance, and eventually move on to Pepperdine University. There she plans to pursue a doctorate in organizational leadership or non-profit management.

As a crossfit athlete, Quist has often been involved in fundraisers, which placed her in leadership roles. Her work with Newberg’s “Are You My Type?” kidney transplant organization is where she said she fell in love with community groups. Quist said she enjoys working within a 25-mile radius of the Newberg community because she she said she wants to, “stay local, see the results of the work, and see people in their community, where I can say hello to them and experience their happiness.”

Quist said she knows that being a young leader is not always a role that is accepted, which is why she is thrilled to be able to learn more at the Rotary seminar. She wants to learn about different ways to be a leader, how to work with different personality types and with people in a wide age range, and how to adapt to different situations. Her first concern is to be trusted with her responsibility, while making sure everyone who is involved is heard.

“I feel really blessed to have this opportunity and want to give a big thank you to the Rotary and other for their trust in me,” Quist said.

About Karen Kane

Karen Kane is the Community Relations Manager for the Sylvania Campus. A passionate storyteller and communicator, Karen has told the stories for several organizations in Portland, including the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry and the ... more »

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x by Frances Fagan 9 years ago

Congratulations Bethany!
It sounds like you have a clear sense of how you want to serve your communities and are open to new skills and insights. I’m excited for you and the people who you may serve in your career.
Best of luck in all your pursuits!!!