This content was published: August 6, 2015. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Vision of campus plaza begins with demolition of Cascade’s Student Center

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The demolition of Cascade's old Student Center will make way for a new plaza and remodel of the Library.

The demolition of Cascade’s old Student Center will make way for a new plaza and remodel of the Library.

Aug. 6, 2015

Cascade’s Student Center is no more. Wrecking crews this week finished pushing in the walls of the old building as part of the campus improvements funded by the 2008 voter-approved bond measure.

According to Abraham Proctor, Cascade’s community relations officer, the actual demolition went much faster than anticipated. Crews are now sorting materials and trucking them away for recycling. They are also crushing some of the existing concrete to use as fill for the new plaza space that will be built to the north of Cascade Library.

“It’s been fascinating to watch the slow-motion demise of the old Student Center, which itself was a conglomeration of renovations and expansions of the original building that occupied the space back when the campus was a private, four-year institution called Cascade College,” said Proctor.

Once the demolition is complete, work will focus on construction on the north side of the Library and remodeling continues inside.

PCC’S 2008 voter-approved $374 million bond program is increasing opportunities for residents to access quality, affordable higher education close to where they live and work. Additional classrooms, updated equipment and technology, and advanced workforce training programs are helping to pave the way for future employment options. For more information, visit the bond website.