This content was published: November 25, 2015. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.
Sylvania concludes Phase II work at College Center
Photos and story by Katherine Miller

The temporary wall that for months bordered one side of CC’s Answer Center has been removed to reveal newly renovated office space.
The recent removal of a temporary wall in Sylvania’s College Center (CC) signals the imminent completion of the latest stage of improvements in the campus hub.
The wall, which was adjacent to the Answer Center inside CC, served not only as a temporary barrier for construction work but also became a project for second-year graphic design students, who earlier this year used it as a canvas for a bold display that highlighted the bond’s mission and improvements.
Now, however, the wall has been replaced by gleaming floor-to-ceiling glass windows that look in on the freshly renovated office space.
CC’s Phase II work, part of the upgrades funded by the 2008 voter-approved bond measure, has been primarily focused on the “Central East Neighborhood,” the planning reference for the section of the building that is being completely renovated for several departments, including Advising, Counseling, Testing, Health Admissions, Jobs and Internships, and Career Exploration.
During the month of December, these groups will move into their new quarters, in time for the new term that begins in January.
Gary Sutton, project manager for Sylvania, says that Phase II, which began summer 2015, has gone smoothly and that the campus community has noticed the changes.
“People are generally excited now that we’ve opened up the temporary wall,” he said. “You’re starting to get a good feel for what the space is going to be like. It’s really glassy, open and inviting.”
The construction of a large new skylight in the upper mall is continuing through the end of December and requires that partitions between the Information Desk and the Environmental Center remain in place for time being.
Phase III of bond improvements will begin in winter 2016 and are expected to be completed that summer. That work includes:
- renovating the Technology Solutions Services’ area;
- performing seismic upgrades and additional structural and ADA accessibility work; completing heating and cooling work;
- replacing flooring and updating the lighting to a portion of the upper mall.
During construction, the dining and district offices will remain in their original spaces, but other staff will be moved into “swing space” while work is completed.
Phase IV will begin summer 2016 and includes:
- completing the finish and lighting updates to the upper mall started in Phase III;
- creating new spaces for various resource centers, including for ROOTS, women, veterans and multicultural groups. Seismic and heating ventilation and cooling upgrades will also be completed.
- developing a new student lounge near the River City Grill, complete with moveable, comfortable seating, dining areas and charging stations.
- restoring Cedar Room;
- creating a staff lounge and staff technology space in the 100 Level.
PCC investing $64.6 million in improvements and upgrades at Sylvania Campus, 75 percent of which is funding the work at CC.
PCC’S 2008 voter-approved $374 million bond program is increasing opportunities for residents to access quality, affordable higher education close to where they live and work. Additional classrooms, updated equipment and technology, and advanced workforce training programs are helping to pave the way for future employment options. For more information, visit the bond website.