This content was published: March 4, 2016. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Classified Employee Appreciation Week Profile: Cindy Hervey

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Cindy Hervey is what you might call a nerd with street cred. She’s old school.

The computer labs coordinator at Cascade Campus– got her start in computers way back in the 20th Century, during the 1980s. One could say, however, that she was initially resistant to the nascent digital revolution.

“I actually dropped out of school when I had to take a Lotus 1-2-3 class,” Hervey recalled, referring to the early entry into the spreadsheet software market. “I started working for a refrigeration company, and before long the boss said he wanted to computerize our office. I helped to set things up.”

Hervey said it was an honor to be recognized by her peers for Classified Appreciation Week, but that her true reward comes on the job.

Hervey said it was an honor to be recognized by her peers for Classified Appreciation Week, but that her true reward comes on the job.

And the rest, as they say, is history. She’s been a computer professional ever since, and joined up with PCC in the spring of 1996.

As a computer labs coordinator, Hervey helps support the several computer labs at Cascade. She helps with repair and maintenance in the labs; hires, trains, and manages a staff of student lab assistants; and works with instructors to ensure that students are provided with assistance appropriate to the work they’re doing. She also serves as a computing technology specialist, supporting faculty and staff workstations. But what she enjoys most is helping students, one-on-one, and giving them the tools they need to succeed.

“I love working with students, watching them grow and learn new things throughout their time at PCC,” Hervey said. “Several students who have worked as lab assistants have gone on to work in classified positions within the PCC community.

When she’s not at work, Hervey likes to play the keyboard and sing in her church choir – and her church benefits from her high-tech skills as well. She also runs a small computer consulting and repair business, and enjoys camping and riding all-terrain vehicles at the beach.

Hervey said it was an honor to be recognized by her peers for Classified Appreciation Week, but that her true reward comes on the job.

“I’m happy to be recognized,” she said, “but I love my job and love working with students, so I don’t look for recognition beyond helping our students achieve their goals. My recognition comes from the student who comes back a few years later and tells me how the teachers and staff were excellent, and that they wouldn’t have the life they have without PCC.”

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x by Collette 8 years ago

Congrats Cindy!! Nobody deserves this recognition more that you with all the work you have done over the years to build the computer labs to what they are today!! You are amazing!

x by Matt 8 years ago

Congratulations, Cindy.

You have helped generations of students to achieve their goals and are an inspiration in your years of service to the college. Thank you!

x by Steve Gordon 8 years ago

Yay Cindy!

Congratulations on this well-deserved honor! Thank you for all your help getting us up and running at the Veterans Resource Center in SSB214, and for following through with wireless access issues until they were resolved, etc., etc., etc.!

You are awesome!

x by Quang 8 years ago

Great Job Cindy. I am so proud of you. :).

x by Beth Fitzgerald 8 years ago

Way to go Cindy. So glad you are at Cascade. Thanks for helping students succeed.