This content was published: January 20, 2017. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.
Interested in becoming a LITE listener? Apply online now!
Photos and story by Kate Chester
Conflict resolution, compassion and active listening are just some of the integral building blocks that constitute PCC’s Listening Intervention Team for Equity (LITE), a new initiative now recruiting its next cohort of trainees.
Targeted to PCC students, faculty and staff, LITE is a resource for those who have experienced inequity or who are in need of guidance to navigate intercultural dynamics at the college. Trained listeners – faculty and staff only – serve as key internal points of contact to offer compassion, share skill-building techniques, and connect those in need with other existing support resources.
Faculty and staff interested in becoming trained as LITE listeners should submit a completed application, which is now posted on the LITE Web page — The deadline to submit is end of day, Wednesday, Jan. 25 for the winter 2017 term, and Monday, May 1 for the spring 2017 term.
In the event of questions, please contact Karen Paez at [opens in new window] or Kate Chester at [opens in new window].