This content was published: April 26, 2018. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

DREAMers Gala surpasses fund-raising goal

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dThe Third Annual DREAMers Gala at Rock Creek Campus on April 21 raised $45,700 in scholarship and other financial assistance for undocumented students attending PCC.

The Event Center at the campus was packed to capacity with guests expressing their support for DREAMers through a silent auction and bid-card raising led by State Rep. Diego Hernandez, House District 47.

The celebration started with the Aztec Dancing and concluded with Ballet Folklorico Mexico en la Piel. Rock Creek DREAM Center coordinator Jhoana Monroy challenged the audience to beat last year’s gala event which raised $44,800.

“We are so grateful for this support,” Monroy said. “It means everything to our students.”


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x by John Macklin 6 years ago

As if there are no deserving American citizens that could have used this support. Supporting these students presence here rewards children for the crimes of their parents; very similar to donating stolen property to the children of convicted thieves. “Undocumented” is a laughable euphemism. Nobody accidentally mislaid their documents; they are literally illegal and they are literally aliens. Regardless of their personal qualities and aspirations, this is our country and we can’t accommodate the world’s overflow. Its also a slap in the face to legal immigrants.