This content was published: December 14, 2018. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

What’s coming up in Community Education: Career shifts require grit and courage

Story by Mike Phillips.

Willow Creek.

More than 10 years ago, Community Ed instructor Jennifer Anderson was frustrated with her former career and embarked on a personal journey to make a change.

She read every book she could find on career transition, but eventually turned to a career coach for guidance. When her coach suggested that Anderson may have a knack for helping others, it was the aha moment required for the next chapter, and the push she needed to become a career coach in her own right.

So what advice does Anderson have for those seeking a change?

“It’s difficult to twist oneself into new roles and realities,” Anderson said. “It requires the confidence to make a big life-altering change.”

Working with students reminds Anderson that persistence and determination always win out in the end. She is leading four workshops this winter at the Willow Creek Center to help PCC students prepare, find and interview for the career they really want.
Business Opportunities Abound

PCC Community Ed instructor David Blass has been helping students craft their own business plans for more than seven years.

“I’ve always been drawn to business and commerce,” said Blass. “I enjoy the creativity and strategy required, and the challenge of managing multiple dynamics that shift and move at all times.”

Blass’s “So You Want to Start Your Own Business” series includes subjects ranging from business planning to finance to marketing. He instructs his students to avoid common pitfalls and failures while adopting a strategic approach that can be fun, exciting and even a little scary.

“Students taking my courses essentially get a consolidated business degree in six weeks,” he said. “A number of my students have gone into businesses of their own and report back that they consistently refer to my notes.”

If you’re seeking to explore a new business idea, consider one of Blass’s business workshops, held at Willow Creek Center this winter.

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