Free or low-cost healthcare services coming to Southeast Campus

Story by Misty Bouse. Photos by Multnomah County Health.

Multnomah County mobile health clinic.

Multnomah County mobile health clinic.

Starting April 2, Portland Community College’s Southeast Campus will host free and low-cost healthcare services on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Wednesday of the month thanks to a new partnership with Multnomah County Community Health Center.

The mobile clinic will be offering medical, dental, behavioral health, and case management services from 1:30-4:30 p.m. on the specified Wednesdays, likely through summer term based on demand. The clinic, open to students, staff and community members, will be located in the courtyard between the Mt. Tabor and Mt. Scott buildings.

This isn’t the first time the county’s mobile clinic has been at PCC. The bus attended the college’s Basic Needs Resource Fair last year at the Cascade Campus.

“The response was incredible—they booked every time slot available,” said Tammy Dowd Shearer, PCC basic needs coordinator. “Clearly, our community has a significant need for these accessible healthcare services.”

Southeast Campus

Southeast Campus.

Services offered include treatment for injuries and illnesses, physical exams, reproductive health care, vaccines, pregnancy testing, dental check-ups and cleanings, behavioral health assessments, and limited prescription drugs.

Appointments are not required, and care is provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Sign-ups begin at 1 p.m. at the Basic Needs Hub table near the Panther Pantry (Room 152) in Mt. Tabor Great Hall. The medical team can treat about six patients each visit, while dental services accommodate two to three patients. Behavioral health providers offer assessments, follow-ups, and referrals to specialized care. A case manager helps connect people to county and state resources.

PCC has seen a sharp rise in demand for support with childcare, food and housing. A recent study by the Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice found that 64% of PCC students faced basic-needs insecurity, and 52% of Oregon community college students experienced housing insecurity.

Multnomah County’s mobile clinic specifically targets community members who historically have had issues accessing traditional healthcare, including transportation challenges. The mobile clinic accepts Oregon Health Plan and other insurance, but no insurance is required. No one is turned away due to inability to pay.

“Our goal is simple: Provide care to those without regular access, then help them establish long-term relationships with primary care providers,” said Ryan Linskey, mobile health clinic program manager for Multnomah County Community Health Center. 

For more information, visit the Multnomah County Mobile Medical Van website or email