This content was published: June 18, 2007. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC in the News: A look at media stories about the college during the month of May

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On May 2, The Hillsboro Argus placed a spotlight on the Westside Job Fair.

On May 3, The Oregonian highlighted the schedule of the 2007 Art Beat festival.

On May 10, The Oregonian featured Brooke Gondara and her husband on their fry bread business.

On May 10, The Oregonian showed how the American Lung Association hosts classes at PCC to educate people on health.

On May 16, The Oregonian covered Bill Bradbury’s global warming presentation at the Sylvania Campus.

On May 17, the Salem Statesman Journal profiled Larry Galizio who sponsored a bill that allows students the same rights as reporters in working at campus-based newspapers.

On May 17, The Oregonian featured Karen Karlsson’s non-credit class about graffiti.

On May 21, The Oregonian highlighted PCC’s work in helping Genentech train employees at the company’s new facility in Hillsboro.

On May 22, the Hillsboro Argus profiled a PCC fire science student who won an award from the Forest Grove Elks Club.

On May 24, The Oregonian showed how a local Lake Oswego artist got inspired by taking an art class at the Rock Creek Campus.

On May 30, the Forest Grove-Times spotlighted a group of elementary kids touring the PCC Rock Creek Campus.

May 31 The Oregonian reported on how the Forest Grove Fire & Rescue will start a program that adds an intern studying fire protection at PCC.

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »