This content was published: September 1, 2010. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Rock Creek Draft Campus Plan

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The Rock Creek Campus invites you to review and comment on the Draft Campus Plan. Open Houses, Brown Bag sessions and meetings in the community are scheduled during October and November. Check out the Get Involved page of the Bond Web Site for details on where you can go to review the various options and check out the Draft Campus Plan pdf in the Documents Section in the left hand column of this page.

Take a look at the options and leave a comment to let us know what you think of the ideas!

A note from the president

This Campus Plan represents the very best of Rock Creek, its multiple stakeholders and dreams of our future as it relates to making the Fall 2008 Bond a reality. We look ahead to a future filled with excitement for the known and anticipated, and (equally important) the unknown. As a community of learners ourselves, we have reveled in what we’ve learned from each other and about ourselves, as well as learning about what we didn’t know and acknowledging the unknown of the future.

Accordingly, this Campus Plan provides a blue print for Rock Creek’s immediate future, the future made possible by the community’s amazing support via the 2008 Bond. This plan charts a course for meeting both the immediate needs of our community as well as for moving the campus forward in a manner that sets the stage for the future.

The Rock Creek Campus is a unique learning and gathering place. With the talent, passion, and input of its internal and external communities, this Campus Plan will insure the continued commitment of Portland Community College to those we serve in Columbia and Washington counties and all those in the greater Portland metropolitan area!

Most Sincerely,
Dr. David L. Rule
President, Rock Creek Campus
Portland Community College

Base Case – Rock Creek Campus

In the Base Case scenario below, a three story 45,000 square foot building is constructed on the existing Event Center surface parking lot to the west of Building 9.

Base Case

At Building 5, the existing L-shaped volumes abutting the northeast and southwest corners of the gym are deconstructed and replaced with two new two story building additions totaling 94,000 square feet. Accounting for the 30,000 square feet of demolished floor area that would be replaced, the new net area of the Building 5 addition is 64,000 square feet. The existing gym is retained.

Option A

In the Option A scenario below, the existing L-shaped volumes abutting the northeast and southwest corners of the gym are deconstructed and replaced with a single new two story building.

Option A

The area of the Building 5 addition is 109,000 square feet. The existing gym is retained.

Option B

In the Option B scenario below, the existing L-shaped volumes abutting the northeast and southwest corners of the gym are deconstructed and replaced with a single new three story building.

Option B

The area of the Building 5 addition is 109,000 square feet. The existing gym and northeast locker and cardio area are retained.

Option C

In the Option C scenario below, the two existing semicircular volumes on the east side of Building 7 facing the quad are deconstructed and replaced with a single two story building addition the length of the passageway. The addition is able to use existing infrastructure including elevator, stair and mechanical systems.

Option C

At Building 5, the L-shaped volumes abutting the  southwest corner of the gym are deconstructed and replaced with a single new two or three story building addition.

The existing gym and northeast locker and cardio area are retained. The southern portion of the addition is bisected by a central circulation element, which pushes the overall extent of the building footprint to the south. The total new area is 109,000 square feet.

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x by Barbara Linn 1 decade ago

Thanks to Gina Whitehill-Baziuk for leading the charge for us at the Bond Program to have an updated website.

We are excited for people to review and give us comments.