This content was published: January 31, 2009. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC in the NEWS: Powwow takes center stage in local media

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A look at news stories about PCC from around the local area and the nation in January. In total, PCC events and people appeared 59 times in the local community or national online media, newspapers or TV/radio.

Jan. 1, the Lake Oswego Review was the next in a long line of media outlets to report on PCC’s auto service program’s partnership with GM.

Jan. 1, in Boom!, the Times lifestyle magazine for older adults, featured Jan Abushakrah and her gerontology program.

Jan. 2, in the Portland Business Journal Preston Pulliams was showcased as one of 20 CEOs to watch in 2009.

Jan. 2, The Portland Business Journal highlighted the state’s community college’s value to workforce training and published an editorial demanding they be funded properly by the state.

Jan. 1, Financial Aid Day and the Winter Powwow made the Times Newspapers group’s calendar that appears in all of its publications.

Jan. 6, the Hillsboro Argus spotlighted the Winter Powwow with a big article.

Jan. 8, Lake Oswego Review highlighted the Winter Powwow.

Jan. 8, one of the Beaverton Valley Times’ wishes for the new year involves PCC’s budget and the down economy.

Jan. 9, The Oregonian showcased how environmentalists took a green class from PCC Community Ed to apply to building their own eco-friendly roof.

Jan. 11, the Vancouver Columbian highlighted Gene Flores being featured on OPB’s Oregon Art Beat show.

Jan. 14, the Winter Powwow garnered attention from the Forest Grove Times.

Jan. 15, the Lake Oswego Review ran a large story on the Winter Powwow.

Jan. 21, The Oregonian reported Oregon leaders want $5 million to go to PCC as part of a statewide stimulus package.

Jan. 22, Andrea Pace’s teacher of the year award was featured by The Oregonian.

Jan. 22, The Oregonian reported on PCC’s Entry-Level High Tech Skills Training Program.

Jan. 27, The Statesman Journal mentioned PCC’s move to ban tobacco on its campuses.

January, on Area Development Online, PCC’s partnering with solar company Solaicx to provide training made news.

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »