This content was published: August 27, 1997. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Open House Kicks Off Senior Studies Institute Sixth Year

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No books to buy, no tests to take, and no homework! Portland Community College’s Senior Studies Institute will kick off their sixth year with an open house and fall orientation at the PCC Central Workforce Training Center, where Michael Powell of Powell’s Books will share his views on the world of books, on Friday morning, Sept. 5.

Come meet the liveliest seniors in town, make new friends and develop new interests. Admission is free. Guests and non-members are welcome. Registration, refreshments and a social hour will begin at 9 a.m., Powell will speak at 10 a.m., and fall classes will be discussed at 11 a.m.

SSI is an institute specially designed by seniors to fit the senior lifestyle. Annual membership is $30 to attend as many classes as you wish at each of four SSI locations in Multnomah, Sellwood, Aloha and the Central Workforce Training Center. A sampling of fall courses includes Book Discussions, Portland’s Natural Resources, Rulers of England, Labor Union History, Playreading, and Current Events.

The Central Workforce Training Center is located at 1626 S.E. Water St., one block north of OMSI. For further information, call 246-7257.