This content was published: March 12, 1998. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Do You Understand Kids Today?

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PORTLAND – In the culture of noserings, guitar-fueled music and more serious transgressions, such as youth gang violence, is it any wonder that today’s adults are at a loss for understanding today’s youth.

If the children are our future, as a singing diva once crooned, the time is now to learn about the "Y Generation and beyond," with The Forum on the Child at Portland Community College on April 4.

Activities include a panel discussion on educating children, one-hour breakout learning sessions on a variety of topics, such as child abuse, drug use and violence, values and child sexuality, and a question-and-answer period for parents and other audience members.

Panelists for the forum include Dalton Miller-Jones, a psychology professor at Portland State University who holds a doctoral degree in psychology; Lela Triplett-Roberts, principal, Ball Elementary School; Charles Hopson, Tubman Middle School principal, and others to be announced.

Fred Miller, instructor in the PCC Cascade Psychology Department, said this forum was conceived to create a dialogue on the issue of child development between parents, community members and the college. The event is sponsored by PCC’s Psychology Department, the Cascade Teaching and Learning Center and the Albina Rotary.

"As a community college, part of our mission is to be a part of the community," said Miller. "I can’t think of a better way of being a part of it than helping parents help their children. We want this to be ongoing and want it to be an opportunity to create a dialogue."

The forum is set for 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Cascade Hall Auditorium, 705 N. Killingsworth. A $2 donation is recommended. Child care is available. For more information call 978-5309 or 978-5279.