This content was published: July 3, 2002. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Media Advisory: PCC Co-Sponsors Hispanic Leadership Symposium

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PORTLAND, Ore. – The 7th Annual Leadership Symposium, presented by the National Community College Hispanic Council and hosted by Portland Community College, comes to Portland July 11-14 at the downtown Marriott Hotel, 1401 S.W. Naito Parkway. The national symposium will feature the theme, "Building a World of Leaders,"and emphasize preparing Hispanic leaders for America’s community and technical colleges. The NCCHC is in its 18th year and boasts a membership of 250 leaders from across the nation. Community college and corporate representatives will be the key presenters at the four-day leadership symposium. They will explore leadership issues critical to Latino students and brainstorm ideas of retaining and encouraging students through increased mentorship.Dr. Jesus "Jess"Carreon, president of Portland Community College and of the NCCHC, said, "We believe community and technical colleges, which prepare students to transfer to a four-year university or to enter or re-enter the workforce are crucial in the change process of the 21st century."To that end, the council will continue to expand leadership training activities. Also, we intend to work closely with other organizations to ensure that young people in our communities are afforded the opportunity to work and learn alongside our community college colleagues ? collaboration and strategic alliances are key to our collective success."In addition to Portland Community College, the Association of Latino Community College Trustees, the Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber of Portland and Intel are co-sponsors of the 7th Annual Leadership Symposium.

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »