This content was published: April 6, 2007. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Be a "Green Commuter" – Green Tags now on sale

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Spring term “Green Tags” are now on sale on the Rock Creek Campus in the Building 3, Student Center (Room 128), Cascade ASPCC Office in SC 04, and Sylvania’s Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society in CC 101 or 102.

Do the right thing – be a “Green Commuter”! Do you know how much carbon your car emits into the atmosphere? We can tell you or you can use this simple formula yourself to see how much…then you can purchase a “Green Tag” to offset your polluting.

Calculate your miles driven over the three month term and divide it by your vehicle’s miles per gallon. Multiply this by 19.564. This will give the pounds of CO2 produced from the vehicle. One $10 tag will offset 700 pounds of carbon emissions by purchasing 500 kilowatts of a renewable enrgy source.

“Green Tags” put wind and solar power onto our power grid, thus offsetting what your car has done. Think of this as a community effort for creating cleaner air. The average campus commuter only has to purchase one tag ($10) every term to create a neutral commute. Wow…that’s not very much money for such an important matter! You may purchase more than one green tag to go beyond just making your commute neutral.

Please consider this small economic inconvenience that will make a difference for our community’s environmental health. Help spread the word for this worthwhile endeavor. If you’d like more information about “Green Tags”, please visit or email