This content was published: August 6, 2007. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Staff Development Grant Applications Due September 7th

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This is a reminder that the fall round of grant applications for district funds is due to the Staff Development office by 5:00 on September 7th. Applications received after this time will not be accepted.

Also, I urge all of you who are considering applying for staff development funds to take a look at the Application Evaluation Form the committee uses to help evaluate grant applications. The evaluation form can give you insight into some of the key criteria considered by the committee. Keeping these criteria in mind will help you build a stronger application. To access both the application and evaluation form, go to the Staff Development website located on PCC’s intranet and click on Application for District Funds. Both forms are available as links to this page.

Please do not hesitate to call should you need any assistance or have questions about the application form or process.

Best Regards,

Linda Blanchette

Staff & Organizational Development Facilitator

Portland Community College


503. 452.9581 (fax)