This content was published: February 3, 2009. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

You can hear an archived speech by Sen. Carter online.

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The Oregon Senate passed a deferred maintenance bill last week, but not without some strenuous opposition on the Senate floor. That includes projects for Portland Community College. It goes to the House next.

Wednesday’s session was the first, good, healthy debate of the year in the Senate chamber. People – wrongly – thing that the emotional give-and-take on the House or Senate floor as unpleasant or uncivil partisan wrangling. Rather, it’s the airing of legitimate points of view. Such debate is good, it’s healthy.

In particular, I point you to the words of Sen. Margaret Carter. She gave one of the most powerful and stirring arguments I’ve heard in my many years at the Capitol.

She was followed by Senate President Peter Courtney, who blew the doors off the room. Powerful stuff.

To hear Sen. Carter’s archived speech. In the upper right-hand corner, click on “Audio/Visual.” Click on “Audio Archives 2009 Session.” Click on “Senate Archives,” then on “01/28/2009.”

The whole debate is terrific and well worth listening to, although it does stretch for an hour and 53 minutes. If you want to hear Sen. Carter’s stirring speech, fast forward to about the 1 hour 20 minute mark.

Alas, Sen. Courtney’s closing statements were truncated. You’ll have to trust me.


About Dana Haynes

Dana Haynes, joined PCC in 2007 as the manager of the Office of Public Affairs, directing the college's media and government relations. Haynes spent the previous 20 years as a reporter, columnist and editor for Oregon newspapers, including ... more »