This content was published: December 28, 2017. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Online course timeline calendar available now

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desk calendarDo you ever wish that important dates and deadlines for your online classes would just show up in your Google calendar?  Well we have a treat for you!

We’ve built a calendar for online course timelines that you can subscribe to that lists important dates like “Course Details pages are due” and “Last day to submit No Shows.” We’re rolling this calendar out in hopes that it will help those of you (like us) that are beholden to your calendar.

This first version includes dates for Winter 2018, but we will continue to add dates for future terms as well. Let us know if there are other key events you’d like to see on it.

Here’s the shareable link to the calendar.

About Andy Freed

I'm the Director of Learning Technology & Innovation (LTI!), where I oversee our infrastructure, technical support, and online student services teams. I've been with the College since 2001 and have worked in several positions, from tech... more »

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x by Cheri 6 years ago

Thank you, Andy. This is a terrific tool!!!

x by Eriks Puris 5 years ago

Seems to duplicate the Academic Calendar, is there any advantage to having both the Academic Calendar and the Online Course Timeline activated on your Google Calendar?
( I wanted to include a screen shot here but this does not seem work in this comments window.)

x by Donna Swanson 5 years ago


The Online Course Timeline Calendar contains dates that are related to online courses. The calendar does duplicate some of the calendar events that are on the Academic Calendar, but doesn’t contain all of them.

The Academic Calendar has entries related payment due dates, SAC Inservice dates, or special items such as Commencement Ceremonies.

x by Heather Garza 4 years ago


Thank you for creating this. I’d like to subscribe but after clicking the link, I get notified that I don’t have access to the Online Course Timeline Calendar. Any tricks or work-arounds?
