This content was published: March 15, 2023. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

March 2023 Highlights

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D2L Brightspace updates for March 2023. This update is scheduled for the evening of March 26, 2023.

This month’s updates for D2L Brightspace include:

  • User Management and Settings – Easily change language preferences using the User Menu | New

User Management and Settings – Easily change language preferences using the User Menu | New

A new language selector is available in the user menu to easily change the language setting to the user’s preferred language.

Users can continue to access language and locale within the Account Settings page; this update provides an option that you can more easily access.

Selecting a language option converts the default system language. This will not translate custom language changes (in the course navigation bar – “navbar”), typed in language to modules, topics, HTML pages, etc.

The User Settings menu with the current language highlighted. Click the currently selected language to open the Language Selector. Select your preferred language and click Save

Figure: The User Settings menu with the current language highlighted. Click the currently selected language to open the Language Selector. Select your preferred language and click Save.

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