This content was published: March 15, 2023. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

New Quiz Experience is coming…

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The New Quiz Experience is coming! ✨

On March 28, the New Quiz Experience will be turned on as an OPTIONAL choice when you create quizzes.

Later in the Summer, on June 20, the New Quiz Experience will become the DEFAULT. At this time, the old quiz experience will become *NO LONGER* be available.

To switch between the two experiences:

  1. Click on the small down arrow envelope,
  2. Choose to “Turn it on” or “Leave it off” and to switch back,
  3. Click on the small down arrow envelope again (pic)
Image of boxes to enable the New Quiz Experience and opt-in

To enable: (1) click on the small down arrow envelope, (2) choose to “Turn it on” or “Leave it off” and to switch back, (3) click on the small down arrow envelope again.

  • You will be able to use the current Quiz Experience or the new one for creating and editing new and existing quizzes.
  • The major improvement is that Quiz tabs to edit are now moved to the side “at a glance” for easier access and viewing.
  • Also note that some options are now nested under different headings than in the current/old Quiz Experience.

Important Note:

  • When adding images to quizzes, you must use the “Insert Image” icon to upload your images and add alt text (image description – do not check decorative).
  • Pasting images directly can result in loss of the image at a later time.

For more information and instruction on the New Quiz Experience, here is an explanatory article and video resources.

And look for upcoming trainings on this new feature.

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