This content was published: May 31, 2023. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

May 2023

There's a lot going on out at the farm I'd like to share

Hello friends, and happy May! It’s been a while, and there’s a lot going on out at the farm I’d like to share.Mother sheep cuddling with baby lamb Mother sheep and baby lamb posing for the camera!

Lambing started in late January and lasted three weeks. From 11 ewes we got 29 lambs- five sets of twins, five sets of triplets, and one set of quadruplets filled up our barn pretty quickly! The first year Veterinary Technology students spent an afternoon learning lamb husbandry with our newest additions.

If you have wandered out towards the farm lately, you may have noticed something is missing. In early April, our main barn was torn down in preparation for a new one to be built. The new barn will have expanded housing for the animals, office space, and an enclosed classroom. I greatly appreciate how well the old barn served the college over the years, and all of the memories that were made in it.

Our first calf of the season was born on April 11th, and some of the second year Vet Tech students were lucky enough to see her just minutes after birth. Another calf arrived last Saturday, and a few more are expected in the coming weeks. Our new American Aberdeen cows are great moms!Mother and baby cowbaby lamb

While the farm is closed to visitors during construction, you can find updates on the PCC Rock Creek farm social media pages. Thanks so much for your support of the farm and all the four-legged critters who make it great!

Thanks for reading,
– Avery

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