Portland Community College | Portland, Oregon Portland Community College

Sketching and Painting

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Combine the best lessons of quick sketches and painting in one class. Simplify a complex scene with rapid studies, then advance to watercolors or acrylics. Expect demos, design and individual attention. Prior experience helpful.

Small black and white sketches are your brilliant guides to designing and composing superior paintings. Learn painting methods, tools and techniques for rewarding results. Rich array of lessons for all skill levels in a friendly, supportive atmosphere. Visual aids, class notes, demos, analysis techniques and valuable constructive critiques included.

List of classes for 9FA616E Sketching and Painting
CRNClass typeLocationDays & timeDatesSeats availableMore infoSign up
32016In-personRock Creek BLDG3 105
from 9am to 2:50pm

From June 29 through July 6, 2024
Instructor: Ed S Labadie
Tuition: $95 Fees: $0
Notes: Supply list: www.pcc.edu/staff/edward-labadie/

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