Portland Community College | Portland, Oregon Portland Community College

Land and Sea Painting

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Explore landscapes, seascapes or any celebration of nature in watercolor or acrylics. Capture light and atmosphere, and learn about design and composition. Expect personal attention, demos and constructive feedback. Prior experience helpful.

Celebrate the grandeur of nature in any style you prefer, from traditional (representational) to contemporary abstract. Learn to capture the atmosphere with initial washes, followed by layering (glazing), study of light and shadows to build works to completion with strategic contrasts and focal point. Capture the essence of your scene through use of values - gradation or diluting of paints. Learn to use the white of the paper or canvas; apply washes, glazes, then final opaque brush strokes. Painting is easy; you just need to know when to paint and when to quit!

List of classes for 9FA627M Land and Sea Painting
CRNClass typeLocationDays & timeDatesSeats availableMore infoSign up
32017In-personRock Creek BLDG3 105
from 9am to 2:50pm

From August 17 through August 24, 2024
Instructor: Ed S Labadie
Tuition: $95 Fees: $0
Notes: Supply list: www.pcc.edu/staff/edward-labadie

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