Portland Community College | Portland, Oregon Portland Community College

Mural Painting Camp

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Share your artistry and embellish a wall on campus with your original artwork! Work with other artists to brainstorm, plan and refine a mural design early in the week, painting mid-week and complete the project by the end of camp. All are welcome and should be ready to collaborate as a group. For ages 12-17.

List of classes for 9FA604G Mural Painting Camp
CRNClass typeLocationDays & timeDatesSeats availableMore infoSign up
32927In-personSoutheast COMX KIT
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
from 1 to 3:50pm

From June 24 through June 28, 2024
Instructor: Pam Consear
Tuition: $99 Fees: $15

New to PCC? Learn more about how to register.