Artisan Bread Baking: French Bread

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Artisan bread baking will give you the tools, techniques and confidence to learn one of the most gratifying and oldest skills known to humans; making bread! Using simple methods and ingredients, you will bake a fresh loaf of French bread to take home.

Who doesn't like the smell of freshly baked bread? This class is devoted to the art and science of baking fine, artisan-style, bread. Artisan bread baking will give you the tools, terms, techniques, and confidence to start doing one of the most gratifying, and oldest, activities known to humans - making bread! From the simplest of ingredients, (water, flour, salt and yeast), you will mix, kneed, form, and bake a fresh, loaf of French bread. You will learn about how the ingredients interact and the best way to get the most out of them. You will also learn techniques that will increase the likelihood that your end result is as good as what you can buy - because YOU MADE IT!

List of classes for 9FD600A Artisan Bread Baking: French Bread
CRNClass typeLocationDays & timeDatesSeats availableMore infoSign up
13245In-personRock Creek BLDG5 241
from 8:30am to 12:20pm
January 18, 2025
Instructor: Larry P Eisenbach
Tuition: $75 Fees: $25
Notes: Must reg/drop 1/16.

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