Irish Gaelic: Level 1

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Learn vocabulary and simple sentence structures using topics that relate to your own life. Understand and reproduce these simple conversational patterns in speech and begin to explore some very basic written language.

Seat data accurate as of 0s agorefresh now

List of classes for 9LAN600R Irish Gaelic: Level 1
CRNClass typeLocationDays & timeDatesSeats availableMore infoSign up
12362In-personCascade TH 201
from 10am to 12:20pm
January 11, 2025
Data currently unavailable
Instructor: Brian M Hart
Tuition: $105 Fees: $0
Registration is closed
and In-personCascade TH 201
from 10am to 12:20pm
January 25, 2025Instructor: Brian M Hart
and In-personCascade TH 201
from 10am to 12:20pm
February 8, 2025Instructor: Brian M Hart
and In-personCascade TH 201
from 10am to 12:20pm
February 22, 2025Instructor: Brian M Hart
and In-personCascade TH 201
from 10am to 12:20pm
March 8, 2025Instructor: Brian M Hart
and In-personCascade TH 201
from 10am to 12:20pm
March 22, 2025Instructor: Brian M Hart

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