Spanish Conversation Level 1: Fast Paced

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Studied Spanish long ago but forgot most of it? Join this fast-paced beginners' class for those with previous yet rusty experience. We'll converse in basic present tense and quickly move on to past and future.

There will be some reading and writing in this class. However, this is a conversation class, so our main focus will be on speaking, listening and culture. We'll cover most of the same topics as Level 1, but we'll do it more rapidly. Course content varies depending on the instructor and students. Generally, the following topics are covered in this level: PRONUNCIATION: the alphabet; words and how accent marks affect pronunciation and stress. SYNTAX (how sentences are formed): articles (definite and indefinite); pronouns (formal vs. informal); possessive pronouns; plurals, noun/adjective agreement; forming negatives; gender; interrogatives (questions words); construction of negatives. VERBS: most common Verbs (ser, estar, ir, venir, tener, gustar, ir a+ infinitiver); formation of regular verbs; some irregular verbs, if there is time. VOCABULARY: greetings and farewells; days, months, and telling time; numbers up to 1,000; weather; colors; daily life

Seat data accurate as of 0s agorefresh now

List of classes for 9LAN615H Spanish Conversation Level 1: Fast Paced
CRNClass typeLocationDays & timeDatesSeats availableMore infoSign up
10990RemoteNot applicable
from 10 to 11:20am

From January 29 through March 19, 2025
Data currently unavailable
Instructor: Mario R Galindo
Tuition: $89 Fees: $2
Notes: Text: Spanish Now! Level 1
This class has started, but you can still register for CRN 10990
13114RemoteNot applicable
from 6:30 to 8:20pm

From January 8 through March 19, 2025
Data currently unavailable
Instructor: Gilda Bensel
Tuition: $145 Fees: $0
Notes: No class 1/8. Text Practical Spanish Grammar
This class has started, but you can still register for CRN 13114
14856RemoteNot applicable
from 6:30 to 8:20pm

From January 7 through March 11, 2025
Data currently unavailable
Instructor: Gilda Bensel
Tuition: $145 Fees: $0
Notes: Text: Practical Spanish Grammar
Registration is closed
15105RemoteNot applicable
from 6 to 7:20pm

From January 9 through March 13, 2025
Data currently unavailable
Instructor: Valerie Merlo Flores
Tuition: $98.10 Fees: $0
Notes: No class 1/20, 3/13. Text: Spanish Now! Level 1
Registration is closed

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